The Prophet Speaks
The Kingdom of Heaven
God The Father, God The Son and God The Holy Ghost.
Prophetical Utterance
To those of or from the DNA of the Anointed and the innocents who have been used, are being mutilated and held captive, and to the ignorant and deceived:
“For the Lord has seen all the evil and iniquity that has taken place. He has seen first hand many things that should not be and are not of Him. He is rising up before the time to set things in order, to remove the evil being perpetuated against the innocent, against those that can’t help themselves.
For I, saith the Lord will bring deliverance and your suffering will be no more. For I have seen the evil done to you for the pleasure of men, to greed and the corruption and I will bring it to an end. Keep hope in your hearts, even in places of hiding, for I Am your deliverance. Just as My Holy Vessel has honored Me through all the evil done, have faith, for in faith in Me is power,hidden untappable. And now I tell you, ‘stand together as one, one people, one voice for I see all and I know all, there is nothing hidden from Me. For My sight is not by the seeing of the eye as men see. Help one another, uphold one another in your thoughts and in the hidden places of your heart, where no one can see or know, but I know and I hear. I Am coming and your liberty is at hand.”
He’s speaking to the Anointed, the angels that He treasures and the cruel and the evil, all involved:
You will go forward in the plan and purpose of the Kingdom, entering a new phase and moving out of the places of men. I will cause a shout to be heard and it will shake the heavens and the realm of the unseen. It will even shake and tear down those who believe the power is theirs, those in the air and the worlds, even their barriers will be torn down, nothing will stand in their places. They will all be left naked and exposed, all their filth and shame swept away, all the iniquity, corruption and evil.
I Am releasing My angel armies, they have moved among you unseen and are a witness to all the evil in your hearts. Those angels and forces who have remained loyal to Me will be brought into the Kingdom of what’s to come, things unknown to men. For I will honor them and I treasure them and they will be rewarded.
What's To Come
A Sign – Darkness Over the Land
The Holy Spirit told me now, and also before, a couple of times:
"Darkness will cover the land."
Great fear is going to come upon some of the “elite leaders of the world order.” Some of them will retain their pride. The Jewish boy Mark Zuckerberg will be in great fear and he’ll come back to his roots and he will expose many.
His friends from this “elite group” will try to assassinate him.
No weapon that is formed against us will prosper and every tongue that rises against us in judgment we will condemn. Our heritage and our righteousness is from the Lord our God, from Jesus Christ our Savior!
Isaiah 54:17
November 2024